
2015년 초에 Adrienne Dowling이라는 영국 NFTS 학생의 졸업작품 “Fishwitch”에 들어갈 인어 금속관절뼈대를 만들었습니다. 인어 뼈대에서 가장 중요했던 건 물 속에서뿐만 아니라 육지에서도 자연스럽게 움직여야 한다는 점이었습니다.

In early 2015 I made a mermaid armature for an NFTS (National Film and Television School, UK) graduation film titled Fishwitch directed by Adrienne Dowling. Adrienne told me that the film will soon start screening in festivals. I’ll post the link for the trailer when it comes out.

The trickiest thing about this character was that it had to move not only in water but also on land. I figured that the most important part was to make it move naturally in both environments. So I designed all the joints to have different ranges of motion in order to make it move like a human as well as fish. It’s possible to replace the mesh fin in case it breaks.

The hip part is made to install a square brass tube and a screw rig. You can choose to install the tube either horizontally or vertically. The client wanted the mermaid to swim in water horizontally and walk on land vertically.


These days I’m working on a project for a studio in the U.K. I’ve recently made a prototype of little hand armatures specifically for this project. This tiny item is a machined part of a hinge joint for a finger. Making an item this small and thin is really a pain in the ass.