What Pros Say About Our Armatures

“Hallelujah! to Wuchan Kim’s beautiful armatures. He is a very gifted artist with a deep understanding of puppets and their movements, and he gives you admirable and experienced advice along with his immaculate artistry and craftsmanship.”

“Wuchan’s armatures are very well made. They’re small, strong and has good adjustable joints for animating. The machine work is excellent.”

“The armatures made by Wuchan are a truly beautiful and functional design. Wuchan has achieved in a short time the level of animator friendly functionality that I tried to put into my armatures. Any animator would be pleased to animate one of these.”

“When I first laid my hands on the armature for puppet by Master Wuchan Kim, their stability and light weight were a pleasant surprise with each group and assembly virtually a work of art. It was at first sight that I believed that this Master is able to raise to new heights both Cheburashka and his friends, living on the screen since the 1960s. The Cheburashka international project, launched in Russia and Belarus, has indeed been brought to an acclaim by the Korean and Japanese animators.”

– Art-designer of international project Cheburashka (2007-2012)

“Кал я першыню зя у рук канструкцы для лялек майстры Вучана Кма, я бы здзлены х лёгкасцю стойлвасцю. Кожны вузел, кожная дэталь был нжынерным шэдэрам. Я адразу ж паверы: гэты чалавек можа даць Чабурашку яго сябрам, якя жывуць на экране з 60-х гадо мнулага стагоддзя, новую ступень свабоды. нтэрнацыянальны праект “Чабурашка”,як пачынася  Расе  Беларус, завершаны карэйскм  японскм анматарам, гэта блскуча пацвердз.”

– Мастак-пастаношчык мiжнароднага праекту Чабурашка (2007-2012)

김우찬 감독의 관절뼈대 Armature Wuchan KIm

“Animating with Wuchan’s armature helps me concentrate on the acting.”

김우찬 감독의 관절뼈대 Armature Wuchan KIm

“Wuchan has achieved in a short time the level of animator friendly functionality that I tried to put into my armatures.”


“Working with wuchan’s armatures is an enjoyment. They are very well done and their movements are very smooth. I can tell the difference when animating with another type of armatures. They are the best ones I have ever used.”

“Trabajar con las armaduras de Wuchan es un goce, estn muy bien hechas y los movimientos resultan muy suaves. Puedo notar la diferencia al animar con otro tipo de armaduras. Son las mejores que he usado.”

“Great armatures! The craftsmanship and materials in Wuchans armatures are grade A. They are well made, high quality and easy to modify or adjust. Wuchan has great communication skills, technical/artistic know-how and delivery was swift and impeccable.”

“These are some of the finest ball-and-socket armatures I have ever seen. They are extremely well made, very high quality and easy to modify and adjust.”

“These armatures are simply a delight. Well-machined, easy to use and adjust, and the modular design makes them infinately adaptable. One of the best armatures ever.”

“Animating with Wuchan’s armature helps me concentrate on the acting, instead of trying to keep the puppet in place. His armatures work perfectly and they are beautiful.”

“The craftsmanship and materials in Wuchan’s armatures are the first class.”

“Wuchan’s armatures are a joy to work with. Very easy to animate with. I defy you to find a better armature at this price anywhere in the world. Kudos to Wuchan Kim and his wonderfully animatable articulated armatures.”

“Wuchan’s armatures are very well made, smooth, accurate, in one word, professional. The modular design is nothing less than brilliant. These armatures are build for professionals.”

“I can say only the best things about the Wuchan’s armatures. They are lightweight and elegant, but strong enough and perfectly manufactured. Wuchan’s modular design is practical and highly efficient (I ordered two sets of the same design, so I discovered I can also interchange some parts to produce different body proportions for some supporting characters). I’m in the middle of shooting my short movie, and having such a professional armatures makes it all easier.”

김우찬 감독의 관절뼈대 Armature Wuchan KIm

“Wuchan’s armatures are a joy to work with. Very easy to animate with.”